Renewable Energy

In our community, the demand for renewable energy options through solar resources is on the rise. BARC strives to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve and one of these elements includes our SolarizeBARC Program.
As a renewable energy leader in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we recognize that our electric distribution cooperative can set an example for others to follow in preventing climate change through the reduction and/or elimination of carbon in the energy sector. Transitioning to carbon-free energy sales may be the greatest challenge we face as an electric utility. In 2020, our cooperative implemented a Sustainability Plan to de-carbonize all forms of electric generation while continuing to ensure consumers receive safe, affordable and reliable power. The cornerstone of this plan is the SolarizeBARC Program. As your electric cooperative, we are excited to bring sustainable options to you and continue seeking innovative solutions that best serve you and our community as a whole.
SolarizeBARC is a combination of utility scale, rooftop, battery storage, and community solar programs that maximize our customers’ access to carbon-free sources of power that best suit individual needs. (Please note: rooftop and community solar can not be combined.)
You can learn more about our services on this site or contact us at 800-846-2272.